Watchman Willie Martin Archive


����� RUSSIA IN BIBLE PROPHECY ‑By Bertrand L. Comparet

� Date:

����� Fri, 1 Jun 2001 08:46:35 ‑0700


����� "Bob Jones" <[email protected]>

�� To:

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�� CC:

����� "Pastor Bob Jones" <[email protected]>


����������������� By Bertrand L. Comparet

��� Today all well‑informed people know that we will soon receive a

treacherous attack by communist

��� hordes, led by Russia. Those who are well informed in the word

of Yahweh, have known this for a long

��� time, the prophets described it in detail, written some 2,500

years ago. We find it principally in Ezekiel

��� chapter 38 1:2 & chapter 39 beginning, "And the word of Yahweh

came unto me saying, Son of man, set

��� thy face against Gog, the land of Magog, the chief prince (or

prince of Rosh) Meshech and Tubal and

��� prophesy against him and say, Thus saith Yahweh, Behold I am

against thee O Gog, the chief prince of

��� Meshech and Tubal." Of whom is Yahweh speaking?

��� Gog, in ancient Hebrew, meaning huge or gigantic, is from the

root word G‑G. The same root is found

��� in Agag, a king of Amalek, sometimes written Agog, this fits

Russia's great size. Magog, in ancient

��� Hebrew and Arabic, geographers applied this name to the area

lying north of the Black Sea and the

��� Caspian Sea, the Hindu Kush (Afghanistan) and Altai, western

and southwestern Russia. The root

��� M‑G‑G also underlies Mongol, you know the proverb, "Scratch a

Russian and you find a Tartar".

��� Magog was the 2nd son of Japhet, others being Mesheh and

Tubal, and was known to have migrated to

��� southwestern Russia. Meshech in ancient Hebrew is a word of

three letters corresponding to M‑S‑C or

��� M‑sh‑ch. This root is found in many place names near and

including Moscow. The ancients understood

��� this to mean Moscow, Tubal in ancient Hebrew, written with

three letters corresponding to th‑b‑l. Later

��� it was sometimes written Thubal, sometimes Thobal. It is the

root from which is derived Tobolsk‑Tobal

��� plus the Russian suffix "sk" indicating a place name.

��� Moscow is the capital city of western or European Russia, while

Tobolsk for most of its existence has

��� been the capitol city of eastern or Siberian Russia. For at least

the last 150 years, scholars have

��� recognized these words as identifying Russia as the power

spoken of in these verses.

��� Ezekiel 38:4 continues, "And I will turn thee back and put hooks

into thy jaws, and I will bring thee

��� forth, and all thine army. Horses and horsemen, all of them

clothed with all sorts of armor, even a great

��� company with bucklers and shields, all of them handling

swords". Russia's previous invasions of Europe

��� were turned back, until the treachery of our own leaders gave

her Eastern Europe in 1944‑1945.

��� Yahweh turned back all premature advances of Russia, keeping

her out until the proper time. Note the

��� references to armor, for the last 2 centuries this did not seem

realistic. However, in the last few decades,

��� all major armies have made use of fiberglass/plastic body armor

as protection against steel splinters from

��� bursting shells, so Ezekiel is really up to date.

��� The Hebrew word parash is translated horsemen in this verse

and probably correctly so. It is noteworthy

��� that Russia has more horse cavalry than in all other armies

combined and her Mongolian allies will furnish

��� her more. Some have wondered if parash might be a suggestion

of parachute troops. If so, Russia

��� originated paratroops and now has over 1,000,000 trained


��� Then the Bible goes on to name in Ezekiel 38:5‑6 Russia's allies,

not just conquered satellites. "Persia,

��� Ethiopia and Libya with them; all with shield and helmet: Gomer

and all his bands; the house of Togarmah

��� of the sides of the north and all his bands; and many people with

thee."� Persia's modern name is Iran; it is

��� under heavy Russian pressure and subversion. It adjoins

Russia's southern border, a natural target for

��� Russian expansion both as a warm water outlet and for its rich

oil fields.

��� Ethiopia, whose Hebrew name Cush was applied to both

Ethiopia, in Africa south of the Sudan, and to

��� Afghanistan (Hindo Cush) adjoining Russia and a natural

gateway to India. The Russian occupation of

��� Afghanistan now exists in all but name. Libya, on the

Mediterranean coast of Africa just west of Egypt,

��� will naturally follow Egypt.

��� For the rest of the roll call of Red allies, we turn next to Ezekiel

30:1‑6. "The day of Yahweh is near, a

��� cloudy day; it shall be the time of the heathen. And the sword

shall come upon Egypt and great pain shall

��� be in Ethiopia, when the slain shall fall in Egypt and they shall

take away her multitude, and her

��� foundations shall be broken down. Ethiopia, and Libya and Lydia,

and all the mongrel peoples and

��� Chub and the men of the land that is in league with them by the

sword." Chub and the land that is in

��� league, we cannot yet identify, but Egypt is already in the Soviet

orbit. Ethiopia is now the center of

��� Russian communist subversion in all Africa. Libya, as we have

seen, adjoins Egypt and is coming under

��� its influence; Lydia is now part of Turkey.

��� Psalm 83:1‑8 gives us the rest of the Red alliance. "Keep not

Thou silence O Yahweh: hold not Thy

��� peace and be not still O Yahweh. For lo, Thine enemies make a

tumult: and they that hate Thee

��� have lifted up the head. They have taken crafty counsel against

Thy people and consulted against Thy

��� hidden ones. They have said, Come and let us cut them off from

being a nation; that the name of Israel

��� may no more be remembrance for they have consulted together

with one consent: they are confederate

��� against Thee: The tabernacles of Edom and the Ishmaelites: of

Moab and the Hagarenes: Gebal and

��� Ammon, and Amalek: the Philistines with the inhabitants of

Tyre; Assur also is joined with them."

��� Communism and those who created and still control it are surely

Yahweh's enemies, those who hate

��� Yahshua. Making a tumult, is their favorite occupation, they have

taken crafty counsel against us. Here is

��� further recognition that the Anglo Saxon people are the Israel of

the Bible, Thy hidden ones. Our Israel

��� identity is still hidden from most people.

��� They have said, "Come and let us cut them off from being a

nation", for they are trying desperately to

��� reduce us to a mere conquered province of the United Nations,

with all of our national independence gone.

��� The first enemy mentioned is Edom. We know today that the

Edomites are the inventors of communism

��� and the leaders of it today in all nations. The Jewish

Encyclopedia, in its article on Edom says, "The

��� Edomites today are found in modern Jewry."

��� Next the scriptures mention the Ishmaelites, the Arabs; they

would naturally be our allies against Godless

��� communism. However, our politicians, seeking Jewish money

and votes in the big cities, have made us

��� the enemies of the Arabs by pouring out our wealth and our

official support for the Jewish invaders of

��� Palestine. Thus the Arabs are reluctantly compelled to recognize

us as enemies by our own choice, not

��� theirs. Moab, Gebal, Ammon, the Philistines and Tyre are all

found within the territories of the Arab

��� nations. The Hagarenes would also be either Arab or Egyptian

for Hagar was an Egyptian, the mother of

��� Ishmael. Amalek was one of the Edomite Jewish tribes. Finally

Assur, the Assyrians. After the fall of

��� Assyria, the survivors fled what is now southwestern Russia.

Several prophecies about the Assyrians are

��� now being fulfilled by Russia.

��� Let's go back over these verses, for they are far more significant

than just a roll call. Surely as Ezekiel

��� 30:3 says, "Today is the time of the heathen". By their numbers,

they now completely rule the United

��� Nations. We crawl humbly on our bellies before them, vainly

imploring their approval of our efforts to

��� forestall the catastrophe they are promoting. We impoverish our

own taxpayers to pour billions of dollars

��� into fattening and strengthening our enemies. We ruin our own

industries by building and subsidizing the

��� industries of the heathen nations and admitting their products to

our country with little or no tariff

��� protection for our own workmen.

��� All the mongrel people, the mixed breeds of Asia, Africa and

India, who have but one thing in

��� common, their bitter hatred of the white man. They will ally

themselves with anything, which promises

��� them that they can pillage and rape in the lands of the white

man. All these nations, so far listed, will be

��� true allies of Russia; they will fight for the loot, which Russia

promises them. Unlike the enslaved satellite

��� nations of Eastern Europe, which are unwilling to destroy the

free nations, which are their own, last hope

��� of rescue. Why aren't the European satellite nations listed here?

Because their part is in the revolt among

��� the Russian hordes, is discussed separately.

��� Ezekiel 38:9 describes Russia's two pronged attack. One line of

attack will be to seize the eastern end of

��� the Mediterranean Sea and the Suez Canal; this cuts off this

important lifeline of the civilized world. This

��� especially cuts off Europe from all her supplies of oil from the

Middle East. Without this oil, Europe's

��� mechanized armies and air forces will come to a halt. However,

the long march across hundreds of miles

��� of mountain and desert from Russia to Egypt, would take too

long. The Bible foretells that Russia will

��� seize this area by paratroop attack. "Thou shalt ascend and

come like a storm, thou shalt be like a cloud

��� to cover the land, thou and all thy bands and many people with

thee". Ever since 1945, Russia has built 5

��� transport planes to our one and she has over 1,000,000

paratroops. Ezekiel chapter 30 and Daniel

��� chapter 11, show that this part of the war will be fought largely in

and around Egypt, obviously for

��� control of the Suez Canal.

��� Ezekiel emphasizes that Russia will also strike in another

direction while this is going on. Ezekiel 38:10‑12

��� continues, "Thus saith Yahweh: It shall come to pass that, at the

same time shall things come into thy

��� mind and thou shalt think an evil thought: And thou shalt say, I

will go up to the land of the unwalled

��� villages; I will go to them that are at rest, that dwelleth safely, all

of them dwelling without walls and

��� having neither bars nor gates, to take a spoil and to take a prey;

to turn thine hand upon the desolate

��� places that are now inhabited, and upon the people that are

gathered out of the nations, which have

��� gotten cattle and goods, that dwell in the midst of the land".

Ezekiel 38:9 describes the paratroop attack.

��� "And thou shalt think an evil thought." The Hebrew word here

translated thought, is makh‑ash‑aw‑baw,

��� which also means a device or machine.

��� So things will come into Russia's mind concerning an evil

machine, which they have. They shall make an

��� attack to take a spoil, a prey, out of a wealthy nation. This

certainly can't refer to the flea bitten poverty

��� of the people of the Near East, where the first attack is made.

Who is this wealthy nation?

��� From the clues given in Ezekiel chapter 38, you should be able

to tell who this nation is. First, the land

��� that is brought back from the sword. This is not true of Palestine,

which is an armed camp, ready to erupt

��� into war at any moment. Zechariah 12:2‑3 promises that

Palestine and Jerusalem shall be a cup of

��� trembling and a burdensome stone, nothing peaceful about that.

But, the United States is a land brought

��� back from the sword. The last major war on our soil was over a

century ago and even the Indian wars

��� ended about 80 years ago. We do dwell safely in unwalled

villages and are at rest. However, this has not

��� been true of Palestine for 2,000 years and is not true of Palestine

now. They dwell in fear, behind barbed

��� wire entanglements, wondering when the next raid will come.

We are a nation gathered out of many

��� people, and brought forth out of the nations. We have gotten

cattle and goods, the principle form of

��� wealth in Ezekiel's time. Not only are we the wealthiest nation in

the world, but also we can even be

��� literal about it. Part of our wealth does consist of tremendous

numbers of cattle and we have more goods

��� of practically any kind than any other nation.

��� This wealth is what makes us the target for the attack, even the

desolate places that are now inhabited,

��� fits us. This describes our great southwest quarter, desolate

until we reclaimed its parched lands with

��� irrigation. "The mountains of Israel which have been always

waste", also identifies us. Note this doesn't

��� say desolate, for our mountains are not desolate, it says waste.

Waste means unused or unoccupied, our

��� mountains were always waste until we occupied them, for the

Indians put them to no use. This would not

��� fit the mountains of Palestine, for they have been inhabited for

dozens of centuries.

��� Even the description of the attack upon us further identifies us.

"I will go up to the land of the unwalled

��� villages; thou shalt come up against My people Israel, out of the

north parts". If you look at a map, you

��� will note that north is at the top. Yes, even the Russian maps are

drawn that way. Russia will have to go

��� down, south and west, to go to Palestine and Egypt. She will

have to go up north, across the North Pole,

��� to attack us. She will strike us out of the north parts, as her air

fleets cross the North Pole and drop

��� down upon us.

��� What form will the attack take? The attack will be partly from the

air, for Ezekiel says, "And thou shalt

��� come up against My people Israel, as a cloud to cover the land".

There will also be a land attack, for

��� Ezekiel also says, "And thou shalt come from thy place out of

the north parts, thou and many people with

��� thee, all of them riding upon horses, a great company and a

mighty army".

��� We know Russia has more cavalry than all the armies of the

civilized world put together. Because of the

��� general lack of good enough roads for mechanized forces, she

uses horse drawn equipment to a great

��� extent. Also, the nomadic people of Inner and Outer Mongolia

and Sinkiang, all adjoining Russia's

��� southeastern border, are horsemen. They would certainly join in

the great looting expedition into the

��� world's wealthiest nation. For some time, our Air Force

Intelligence officers have known of the great

��� fleets of invasion barges in the ports of Siberia and Manchuria.

Obviously they are being amassed there

��� for a purpose.

��� If the hordes of Asia could be landed on the coasts of southern

Alaska and Canada, they would consider

��� the conditions there no hardship. It would be paradise compared

to what they are used to in most of

��� Asia. They would need very little supplies other than

ammunition, for they would live off the land and live

��� better than at home.

��� Nomadic warriors, dispersed through the vast forests of the

western Canadian mountains, would be very

��� hard to hunt down and destroy. Our great production centers of

Detroit and Cleveland for machine tools,

��� Pittsburgh and Gary for iron and steel, Chicago as a great central

hub of transportation, the Puget Sound

��� region with its naval base and aircraft factories, are very

vulnerable. With all of these areas devastated by

��� treacherous rocket attacks and air raids, with many coastal cities

atom bombed by rockets launched

��� from Russian submarines we would be very vulnerable. With

this damage done to us overnight without

��� warning, Russia may well feel that she can launch her land army

attack with a large chance of success.

��� Our capacity to equip large forces will be for a time at low ebb. If

we keep such forces as we have for

��� our own defense, Europe will fall for lack of our assistance. If we

send our troops abroad, to defend the

��� rest of civilization, we will be weak at home when the Asiatic

hordes roll in like a flood in our

��� northwestern states. From a materialistic point of view, it is a

cleverly planned strategy.

��� However, Russia overlooks Yahweh's promise that He will take

the decisive part in this war. Here is

��� what Yahweh promises in Ezekiel 38:18:22. "And it shall come to

pass at the same time when Gog shall

��� come against the land of Israel, saith Yahweh, that My fury shall

come up in My face. For in My jealousy

��� and in the fire of My wrath have I spoken. Surely in that day shall

there be a great shaking in the land of

��� Israel; so that the fishes of the sea and the fowls of the heaven

and the beasts of the field and all creeping

��� things that creep upon the earth, and all the men that are upon

the face of the land, shall shake at My

��� presence; and the mountains shall be thrown down and the

steep places shall fall, and every wall shall fall

���to the ground. And I shall call for a sword against him throughout

all My mountains, saith Yahweh: every

��� man's sword shall be against his brother, And I will plead against

him with pestilence and with blood; and

��� I will rain upon him and upon all his bands and upon the many

people with him, an overflowing rain and

��� great hailstones, fire and brimstone."

��� Note the weapons used. One is the tremendous forces of nature,

which will break up their organization

��� and send them fleeing in panic in all directions. Another is

mutiny among all the conquered countries, now

��� she faces a dilemma. If she leaves them at home while she

sends Russian armies out to war, not only will

��� Russia be weakened by having to bear all the losses, but also

the satellite countries will seize the

��� opportunity to revolt at home, as did the Hungarian Red army.

Therefore, to make them bear the losses

��� and to get them away from their own lands so they can't liberate

their own people, she will put them in

��� the invading armies. In the confusion of battle, the satellite

armies will mutiny and attack the Russians.

��� At least twice before Yahweh has used this device to destroy

enemy armies. Judges 7:22 tells how, when

��� Gideon attacked the Midianites at night, in the confusion

"Yahweh set every man's sword against his

��� fellow, and they destroyed each other." I Samuel 14:20 tells how

Yahweh used this method against the

��� Philistines, "Every man's sword was against his fellows and

there was a very great confusion."

��� Now it will be used against the enormous hordes of Russia and

China and the satellite armies, this is

��� confirmed by Haggai 2:21‑22. "I will shake the heavens and the

earth; and I will overthrow the throne of

��� kingdoms, and I will destroy the strength of the heathen; I will

overthrow the chariots and those that ride

��� in them; and the horses and their riders will come down, every

one by the sword of his brother."

��� More of Yahweh's weapons are pestilence and blood, epidemic

disease and infected wounds. Because

��� sanitation is unknown among most Asiatics, pestilence will

spread like wildfire among them.

��� The next weapon is the weather. "I will rain upon him and upon

his bands, and upon the many people

��� with him, an overflowing rain." Transportation will bog down

hopelessly in the bottomless mud. Flooded

��� streams will block all progress, even all retreat, while supplies

run out and hunger takes its toll. The

��� stormy skies will prevent any help from Russia's air fleets,

scattered and destroyed by the fury of the

��� storm. Next to come are great hailstones; it is not certain

whether this really means hailstone or stones

��� from heaven, meteors.

��� That it could be meteors is evident from the fact that on August

15, 1951, what the Iranian newspapers

��� called a downpour of meteors on the south Iranian city of Shiraz

wrecked 62 buildings, killed 12 persons

��� and injured 19 more. Joshua 10:11 records that Yahweh rained

meteors upon an Amorite army and

��� slaughtered them. However, if hailstones is the correct

translation, there are many historic instances of

��� armies halted and even defeated by hailstones, even as recently

as 1895. In Job 38:22‑23, Yahweh asks

��� Job, "Hast thou entered into the treasures of the snow? Or hast

thou seen the treasures of the hail, which

��� I have reserved against the time of trouble, against the day of

battle and war?"

��� Several times in recent years, our American newspapers have

recorded instances of hailstones up to the

��� size of baseballs, easily capable of killing a man hit by one.

Finally, among the weapons, fire and

��� brimstone, which is sulphur. This probably refers to volcanic

eruptions accompanying the great earthquakes.

��� Outbursts of fire and sulphur fumes are common in volcanic

eruptions. Gas masks would be no

��� protection against sulphur dioxide fumes. What is the result of

Yahweh's defense of us? Ezekiel chapter

��� 39 is pretty badly translated in the King James Bible. It suggests

that 1/6th of the Russian forces escape,

��� while the original Hebrew reads, "And thou, son of man,

prophesy concerning Gog and say, Thus saith

��� Yahweh; I am against thee O Gog, Prince of Rosh, Meshech and

Tubal, and I shall turn thee back and

��� lead thee, and cause thee to come up from the sides of the

north, and bring thee in against the mountains

��� of Israel. And I will smite thy bow out of thy left hand, yea, thine

arrows out of thy right I cause to fall.

��� On the mountains of Israel thou fallest, thou and all the bands of

the people that are with thee".

��� The slaughter is so great that we shall be seven months

gathering up and burying the dead.

��� Ezekiel 32:18‑30 describes the final result. "Son of man, wail for

the multitude of Egypt, and cast them

��� down, unto the nether parts of the earth, with them that go down

into the pit. There is Meshech, Tubal

��� and all her multitude: her graves are round about him; all of

them uncircumcised, slain by the sword,

��� though they caused terror in the land of the living. "There is

Edom, her kings and all her princes, which

��� with their might are laid by them that were slain by the sword;

they shall lie with the uncircumcised and

��� with them that go down to the pit. There be the princes of the

north, all of them."

��� Finally in Ezekiel 39:7‑8,21,25,29 Yahweh says, "So will I make

My holy name known in the midst of

��� My people Israel; and I will not let them pollute My name

anymore: and the heathen shall know that I

��� am the holy one in Israel. Behold it is come, and it is done, saith

Yahweh: this is the day of which I have

��� spoken. "And I will set My glory among the nations, and all the

nations shall see My judgment that I

��� have executed, and My hand that I have laid upon them."

Therefore, thus saith Yahweh: Now I will

��� bring again the captives of Jacob and have mercy upon the

whole house of Israel, and will be jealous of

��� My holy name. "Neither will I hide my face any more from them:

for I have poured out My spirit upon

��� the house of Israel, saith Yahweh."

��� It is true that incredible stupidity and treachery among our

politicians in high office, have built up the

��� power of communism beyond the ability of ordinary means to

combat it. It is also true that the greatest

��� weapons are those in the hands of Yahweh. He has promised to

use them in our defense. Isn't it

��� comforting to know that THIS IS OUR GOD, YAHWEH!!!

Reference Materials